Signs of Dyslexia in Pre-School Children

Signs of Dyslexia in Pre-School Children

  • History of slow speech development.
  • Difficulty learning nursery rhymes.
  • Finds phonological difficulty with the selection of the odd one out e.g. cat: pig: fat.
  • Slow in name finding.
  • Some dyslexic children enjoy being read to, but show no interest in letters or words. Others have patience for sitting and listening.
  • Difficulty with two or more instructions at one time (due to weak memory system) but well able to carry out tasks when presented in smaller units.
  • Difficulty keeping simple rhythm.
  • May not crawl but walks early.
  • Persistent difficulty in dressing.
  • Difficulty with shoe laces, buttons, clothes the right way around.
  • Difficulty with catching, kicking or throwing a ball.
  • Difficulty with hopping and skipping.
  • Excessive tripping, bumping into things and falling over things.
  • Difficulty with distinguishing left from right.